Tonight is the night to visit a Facebook party that features 10 authors who have written novels set in historical America. These parties, hosted by author Tamera Lynn Kraft, are so much fun!! I hope you can come, starting at 4:00 pm EST and ending … whenever they end! Actually, prize winners will be announced later that evening so recipients will not be left holding their breath, wondering. 🙂
If you can’t arrive when it starts, drop in anytime. You are always welcome!
The Grand Prize is a $50 Amazon gift card plus a copy of each author’s book. But there are several smaller prizes offered along the way, with individual offerings from the authors.

I’ll be featuring both War’s Respite and Love’s Kindling between 8-9 pm EST (7-8 CST) and giving away either an e-book or paperback of Love’s Kindling plus a 4×6″ leather writing journal with a vintage nautical design. It will fit into one’s purse when the muse strikes and you want to make notes. Or perhaps, write a novel. 🙂
Here is the link to join the party: click here Hope to “see” you there!
Leather Journal