This movie will be on my mind for a long time. No not “Godzilla.” “Unplanned”
I couldn’t find the appropriate poster at the theater where it was showing. For the sake of this review, I posed by a promo for the monster flick, “Godzilla.” You can draw your own conclusions as to why I chose this particular poster…
Since there has been so much determined effort to prevent advertisement of “Unplanned,” I assume the poster scrolls for this anti-abortion flick were perhaps cast into a bin somewhere. We wouldn’t want to reveal the truth about abortion, the blank walls seemed to scream.
If you truly want to understand the full scope of abortion, I encourage you to go see this movie. It will be impossible to pretend any longer that the process of emptying the womb of “fetal contents that have no feeling” is the truth.
In fact, this whole movie is about lies. The untruths that the main character of Abby Johnson tells herself to justify working in a clinic that provides abortions. The lie that certain clinics are in existence to help women’s healthcare when, in fact, it’s main goal is to abort babies. The misinformation that abortions are relatively easy and cause mild discomfort.
The deception that there is no pain felt by a “clump of cells” in early development is quickly dashed into oblivion as you watch an ultrasound of an abortion: A fully formed baby trying to escape the suction tube that first pulls off one leg, then another limb, until finally the whole head is sucked into the oblivion of a medical waste container. All the while the infant is fighting for its very life.
I will never forget the words spoken by the abortion doctor in the movie as he turns on the suction machine. “Beam me up, Scotty,” he says, as he watches the tiny human disintegrate into the cold, plastic tubing. I’ll never watch another episode of “Star Trek” without feeling pain when I hear that line.
It was this visualization of an abortion via ultrasound image that finally broke through Abby Johnson’s self-deception. These are not fetal cells. These are babies, with heartbeats, and brains, and a central nervous system that registers pain.

“Unplanned” offers a message of hope and forgiveness for those who have had an abortion. There are millions of women around the world who carry the pain of aborting their little ones. They need to know that God loves them. And if they ask for forgiveness, they are indeed forgiven.
Please go see “Unplanned”—and put an end to the lies.