If you missed Part 1, here is the link. Click here.
Part 2
Starbucks orders were taken and a predawn trip made to the local coffee shop. The drive-thru line was long so I parked, ran inside, and was first in line! I headed to Maddie’s home where everyone—photographer Nicole, costumer Laura, makeup artist Sharla, and myself—converged to begin preparations.
First order of the day was to distribute the coffee and then fill everyone in on the details of the photo shoot. Although the setting for 1777 required minimal makeup, a “natural” look of applied coverage would be needed for the bright lights. While Sharla applied Maddie’s makeup, I explained a bit to Maddie about the scenes she would be portraying in the photos. She was a quick learner!
Once the makeup was finished, Maddie put on part of her costume. We saved the outer gown that would wrinkle from a seatbelt. That wasn’t a problem for ladies in 1777. 😉
We must have looked like a convoy as we drove over to the site that Nicole had found previously. It was a wooded area open to the public. Laura helped Maddie do the finishing touches to the costume and we traipsed through the grass until Nicole determined the perfect locations. The shooting began, with Nicole’s mom, Deb, holding up the light shield for the perfect lighting.
Maddie posed like an expert, conveying the fear that Abigail Gillingham experienced as her evil uncle abducted her to the enemy camp to nurse the wounded soldiers.
Hundreds of shots later, 1777 photos were complete. Now we had to shift into 1977 mode!
Sharla had to add lots of extra makeup to Maddie’s “natural” look. Then the costume change occurred as Maddie donned typical clothing of 1977, including flared jeans and a gauzy rust-colored top. So grateful for Etsy’s vintage clothing!
Now Maddie had to portray Abby, reading a letter written by her ancestor 200 years prior. The yellowed paper represented a typed letter that her grandmother had copied from an original parchment. The actual pages that Maddie is holding were a children’s story that I’d written years ago and is now in the care of my agent who is trying to find a publisher. LOL!
Hundreds of photos later, it was a wrap. Two hours that were the culmination of months of preparation. Breathing a deep sigh, I thanked each and every member of the team, paid them for their time and effort…and thanked God who made it all possible.
Saratoga Letters releases October 4. Here is the link to pre-order Saratoga Letters