Perhaps other more well-known authors are used to it. But this not-on-the-New-York-Times-Bestseller-List author is grateful beyond words. My one hundredth review of Fields of the Fatherless posted this week on Amazon. Even better, the reviews tally up to 4.8 out of 5 stars.
God is so gracious and has blessed Fields of the Fatherless beyond anything I might have hoped for. He is the one I give credit to for this milestone and for the awards this book has won.
I want to thank each of you who have read this young adult fiction and responded to the story. Your positive reflections about Fields of the Fatherless have touched me deeply. Some readers offered criticism and I am grateful for that as well. Authors who shut their ears to the voices of critics are not allowing themselves to grow in their craft. May I never be so caught up in “my own way” that I will not listen to input from others.
Thank you, thank you, readers and reviewers! I cherish you and am honored to write books that both entertain and teach something about the history of this great nation. And if you are inspired to grow stronger in your faith through the words that I write, I am truly blessed beyond measure.
Your graciousness is as evident as your talent. I applaud and learn from each of those lovely attributes of yours.
Thank you, Janet. You are such a blessing to me.:)
That is AWESOME and PRAISEWORTHY!! Congratulations.
Thanks so much! 🙂 I am humbled and excited.